Sentilo in “Les Corts” smart parking project

Sentilo in “Les Corts” smart parking project

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Sentilo is going to be used in Barcelona “Les Corts” smart parking project. The main goal of the project is to reduce the time drivers need to find a vacant place and to improve the use of parking resources of the neighbourhood. More than 500 places in the street are going to be monitored by[…..]

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The city of Reus has deployed Sentilo as its city sensor platform

The city of Reus has deployed Sentilo as its city sensor platform

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We welcome Reus to the Sentilo community as a new user of the platform . The city of Reus has a population of more than 100.000 people and it is the capital of Baix Camp, in the province of Tarragona, in Catalonia, Spain. Reus city hall has the goal of deploying smart technologies in order[…..]

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The city of Tarragona deploys Sentilo

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The city of Tarragona, a Sentilo supporter already, recently started the deployment and testing of the Sentilo platform in the city. The goal of the testing stage is to check a working instance of the platform before deploying Sentilo widely throughout the city. Tarragona City Hall’s technicians have reported that the preliminary results are clearly[…..]

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Terrassa joins the Sentilo Community

Terrassa joins the Sentilo Community

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Terrassa City Hall has chosen Sentilo as a key element in its strategy for the deployment of the Smart technologies in the city. Terrassa is going to develop new modules to improve Sentilo in different aspects, such security or user management. The source code of the improvements will be contributed to the Sentilo community. In[…..]

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Libelium will support Sentilo in their product line

Libelium will support Sentilo in their product line

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After some successful tests of integration, Libelium has decided to include Sentilo connection in Meshlium, their Internet Gateway for Smart Cities deployments. By including Sentilo connection in the core product line, out of the box compatibility with Libelium wireless sensors is ensured, as well as adaption to future versions. Existing Libelium customers will be able[…..]

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CIRCUTOR’s EDS series devices with “Sentilo Ready” firmware

CIRCUTOR’s EDS series devices with “Sentilo Ready” firmware

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The company CIRCUTOR has included a “Sentilo Ready” configuration in the lastest release of the firmware of its EDS series devices. CIRCUTOR’s EDS series are energy manager devices equipped with a built-in web and XML server, which enables the user to query any electrical variable by connecting the metering equipment to its RS-485 bus without[…..]

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Sentilo nominated to the Digital Innovation Awards

Sentilo nominated to the Digital Innovation Awards

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Sentilo has been nominated for the 12th edition of the Digital Award for Digital Innovation. The BDigital Award for Digital Innovation is organized by Barcelona Digital Technology Centre and its purpose is to foster innovative projects with clear technological application, based upon results generated at companies, technological centres and universities, and innovative products and services[…..]

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Sentilo demonstrated to Catalan municipalities

Sentilo demonstrated to Catalan municipalities

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On March 3rd this year, Sentilo was demonstrated to several Catalan municipalities in the premises of Localret, jointly with the Cloud BCN initiative. The municipalities participating in the event, Mataro, Tarragona, el Prat de Llobregat and Sant Cugat, showed interest in testing the platform and considering it for their future sensor projects. As a result[…..]

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Sentilo provided data to iCity app developers

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On December 18, iCityproject organized in Barcelona the workshop “How to do your first iCity app”. Over 50 app developers attended the event. The workshop’s objective was to get participants registered and ready to use the iCity platform in order to develop the first app prototypes based in the data provided by Sentilo and the[…..]

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Presentation of the Sentilo platform and Community at the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), Barcelona

Presentation of the Sentilo platform and Community at the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), Barcelona

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On December 4, the Sentilo project was presented at the periodic BuB Meeting within the Commons 4EU project, which took place at the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), Barcelona. The main attendees were teachers, students and other usual participants of this meeting. Rafa Garcia, from the Department of Innovation, Knowledge Society and ICT Architectures at the[…..]

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