Introduction of Sentilo governance rules

Introduction of Sentilo governance rules

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As our community is rapidly growing bigger, with more and more cities and partners joining us over the last year, we thought it is the moment to establish some basic community governance rules. We’d like to introduce the way we propose to govern the community, the election mechanisms and the roles for every member of[…..]

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Simplified version of Sentilo for educational purposes

Simplified version of Sentilo for educational purposes

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The Sentilo community is going to develop a simplified API to let developers use S4A with Sentilo. S4A is a Scratch modification that enables simple programming of the Arduino open source hardware platform, providing new blocks for managing sensors and actuators connected to Arduino. So it will be possible to use the MIT Scratch technology[…..]

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A Sentilo motorbike?

A Sentilo motorbike?

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Sentilo has been chosen as the preferred platform for the smart components of the “Smart Moto Challenge 2015”. The project goal is to enable students of schools of engineering and design to work on a real project for developing a light electrical motorcycle. The project will consist in manufacturing a fully functional light electrical motorcycle,[…..]

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Meet us at Barcelona Smart City Expo World Congress

Meet us at Barcelona Smart City Expo World Congress

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Sentilo will be present at the Barcelona Smart City Expo World Congress in several events. Wednesday 19th, at 15.30, Jordi Cirera, the acting Sentilo project leader, will participate in the technology parallel session TE CP “City Protocol: sensing & seeing a city’s anatomy”, Gran Via Hall 2, Room 2. And Sentilo project will celebrate its[…..]

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Barcelona’s Passeig de Gràcia – the smartest avenue on Earth?

Barcelona’s Passeig de Gràcia – the smartest avenue on Earth?

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Barcelona City is going to install several kinds of sensors from Sentilo partners in its emblematic Passeig de Gràcia. Sound sensors by Cesva, garbage-bin sensors by TST Sistemas (that even detect if bin covers stay open), traffic sensors by Sensefields and water quality sensors by Libellium will send data to the same platform, thanks to[…..]

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Sentilo goes to University

Sentilo goes to University

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A master thesis about the Internet of Things is among the 6 theses nominated to the final phase of the UOC-RMF awards. The thesis “The city in the context of the Internet of Things” is about the analysis, design and deployment of a system for gathering and publishing data from mobile or fixed devices. The[…..]

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IGS street parking sensors working with the Sentilo platform

IGS street parking sensors working with the Sentilo platform

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The Spinwire technology from the company IGS for street parking sensors has been successfully tested and deployed with Sentilo in the Catalan city of Reus, Spain. The Spinwire technology is designed for large-scale vehicle detection. It comprises a unique integrated hardware/software solution enabling high-rate and flaw-less magnetic sensing in as difficult urban environment as close-packed,[…..]

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Barcelona Sentilo deployment reaches the 100 million transactions milestone

Barcelona Sentilo deployment reaches the 100 million transactions milestone

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The Barcelona City Sentilo platform -our biggest deployment by now- reaches the milestone of 100 million transactions processed. This means that the platform processes an average of 9.73 transactions per second. On its most busy day, the Sentilo platform processed an average of 22.63 transactions per second and the maximum peak was 1,026 transactions in[…..]

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Barcelona City Concil issues first draft of noise sensors requirements

Barcelona City Concil issues first draft of noise sensors requirements

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The Department for Noise Pollution Reduction of Barcelona City Hall has published the requirements for noise sensors to be installed in the city. Among them, the sensors must support the API to the Sentilo platform. The noise sensors specifications required by Barcelona City are published on our repository in Catalan and English. Any company can check[…..]

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Sentilo based Barcelona Smart City Infrastructure wins one City Climate Leadership Award

Sentilo based Barcelona Smart City Infrastructure wins one City Climate Leadership Award

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The award to Barcelona, in the Intelligent City Infrastructure category, was announced by Siemens and the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40) at a ceremony held on September 22nd in New York City. The Awards honor cities all over the world for excellence in urban sustainability and leadership in the fight against climate change. The[…..]

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