New API to connect Wonderware to Sentilo

New API to connect Wonderware to Sentilo

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Wonderware technology has been widely deployed in Barcelona to manage information from several infrastructures, such as escalators, fountains or elevators, and obtain data about the impact from public works. Logitek has developed a new REST based API, to connect Wonderware to Sentilo easily through Logitek’s Wonderware Sentilo Gateway Service. The service is provided by specific[…..]

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Worldsensing’s smart parking system integrated with Sentilo

Worldsensing’s smart parking system integrated with Sentilo

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Our partner Worldsensing has integrated its smart parking system called Fastprk with Sentilo. Worldsensing Traffic has deployed 500 sensors in Barcelona “Les Corts” district and its Fastprk solution integrates with the city’s with Sentilo platform. Fastprk will offer drivers information about parking availability and on loading, taxi and disabled persons parking bays. Drivers will be[…..]

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Car parking data published through the Sentilo platform in Reus

Car parking data published through the Sentilo platform in Reus

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Reus town hall has started a project to publish the car parking data in the city through Sentilo. The goal is to use those data to offer better parking services to citizens. The system, from our partner IDbox, feeds the data Sentilo gets from the parking sensors to an application that builds historical data charts,[…..]

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New Sentilo release

New Sentilo release

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We are proud to announce that Sentilo 1.4 has been released and can be now downloaded from github. Most outstanding improvements are: Improvements and optimisations in the universal viewer, including a redesign of images of component types and several improvements in the info-box shown in the map Specific map for routes where mobile components show[…..]

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Sentilo as SaaS in Barcelona Provincial Government

Sentilo as SaaS in Barcelona Provincial Government

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The “Smart Region” strategy of Diputació de Barcelona (Barcelona Provincial Government) includes the development of a technological platform serving municipalities that will operate as an integrated information management system. This platform is based on the collection of data from different sources. For this purpose, Diputació de Barcelona is implementing Sentilo. In the next months it[…..]

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Sentilo on the media

Sentilo on the media

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The catalan journal “Ara” has named Sentilo as the “Most interesting thing” present in the 2014 Barcelona Smart City Expo. The openness of Sentilo and its ability to avoid vendor lock-in of proprietary platforms are cited among the reasons of such opinion. “Ara” is a printed and digital general information journal with more than 135.000[…..]

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Sentilo in the IoTforum

Sentilo in the IoTforum

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On 3rd December 2014, Sentilo was presented by Sentilo project leader Jordi Cirera in the IoTforum, the congress specialised in Internet of Things organized by BDigital. Sentilo was presented in the context of IoT as the open public platform used by Barcelona on the iCity project. The open iCity project intends, among other things, to[…..]

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Sentilo in the OSP TAFT (Open Sensors Platform Task-and-Finish-Team) of the City Protocol Society

Sentilo in the OSP TAFT (Open Sensors Platform Task-and-Finish-Team) of the City Protocol Society

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The City Protocol Society is a global non-profit community of cities, corporations, academic and nonprofit organizations taking collaborative action to help cities face their challenges together and enable the development of more sustainable, efficient and innovative solutions for city initiatives. To accomplish this work, the City Protocol Society fosters collaboration and sharing so that cities[…..]

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Terrassa uses Sentilo for its smart trash collection project

Terrassa uses Sentilo for its smart trash collection project

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The city of Terrassa, Catalonia, ha installed citywide 920 large smart rubbish-bins, to obtain real data about the routes the rubbish collection lorries are taking and the frequency of the pick-up for the different kind of bins. The system works with a sensor installed in the arm of the lorry that reads the electronic label[…..]

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Fun with Sentilo. Sentilo for hobbyists

Fun with Sentilo. Sentilo for hobbyists

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Some enthusiasts of the Sentilo community are integrating Arduino hardware and mobile devices with the Sentilo platform, getting very good results. For example, you can now send data such as movement speed or noise level from an Android app to a Sentilo platform and display the results in a map based on Google Maps. Or[…..]

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