Sentilo Motorbikes are here!

Sentilo Motorbikes are here!

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A team from Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI) won the 3rd edition of the “Smartmoto Challenge” held last July, with a motorbike sensorized by Sentilo. The Smartmoto Challenge provide to schools of engineering and design the possibility of working in a real project for developing a light electrical motorcycle. Our partner Cellnex Telecom,[…..]

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Effilogics’ energy management systems now compliant with Sentilo

Effilogics’ energy management systems now compliant with Sentilo

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Our partner Effilogics has recently released a new version of its Building Energy Management System fully compliant with Sentilo specifications. With this novelty, Sentilo Community has now readily available the Effilogics full Smart Energy solution for buildings. That solution facilitates collecting energy information, analyzing energy usage and controlling remote devices such as cooling or lighting[…..]

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Sentilo at the Madrid Monitoring Day

Sentilo at the Madrid Monitoring Day

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Sentilo project leader, Jordi Cirera, was at Madrid Monitoring Day 2015, introducing Sentilo to cities and companies interested in becoming smarter. Madrid Monitoring Day is one of most important events in Spain in the field of sensing and monitoring and is targeted to professionals involved in Energy Management and technology for Smart Cities. Madrid Monitoring[…..]

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Sentilo in the media, once more!

Sentilo in the media, once more!

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Spanish newspaper “Diari de Terrassa” has referred to Sentilo as an essential component in the deployment of new services offered to the citizens of Terrassa. The new service lets people know in real time if there is space left in the nearest garbage bins and when they have been last picked up, just connecting to[…..]

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More than 100 people at Sentilo User Day 2015

More than 100 people at Sentilo User Day 2015

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We were very happy to notice at the Sentilo User Day 2015 event how our user community is quickly growing and using Sentilo in very different ways. More than 100 people from cities and industries were sharing Sentilo experiences and new ideas for future development. We’re proud to have provided a very friendly forum where[…..]

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Sentilo User Day Barcelona 2015

Sentilo User Day Barcelona 2015

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Next June 16th, Sentilo Community and friends will meet at our first “Sentilo User Day”, in Barcelona. All of Sentilo code and components are Open Source. So any city can use it freely to gather data from the sensors it deploys, to provide applications with this data and send commands to the actuators on the[…..]

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Sentilo is the platform for new Smart Energy Management Systems

Sentilo is the platform for new Smart Energy Management Systems

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Our partner ETRA has integrated energy consumption data from Barcelona public buildings through Sentilo in its new smart ecosystem BESOS, and vice versa, BESOS is feeding data into the Barcelona Sentilo platform. BESOS is a project that seeks the development of an advanced, integrated energy management system that enables energy efficiency in smart cities from[…..]

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Barcelona Sentilo deployment reaches the 300 million transactions milestone

Barcelona Sentilo deployment reaches the 300 million transactions milestone

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The Barcelona City Sentilo platform reaches the milestone of 300 million transactions processed. This means that the platform has processed an average of 12,77 transactions per second. More than 7.000 sensors are active on the platform nowadays. We’re proud Sentilo Barcelona has reached that figure without any significant downtime. Barcelona City Hall will continue deploying[…..]

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Sentilo is on the media again. We will power a whole Smart Region!

Sentilo is on the media again. We will power a whole Smart Region!

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Spanish newspapers “La Vanguardia” and “El Periodico” have referred to Sentilo as an essential component in the evolution from “Smart City” to “Smart Region”. Sentilo has been cited as a unique experiment in Europe, as it is open source software based on the open source philosophy, and developed and shared by different cities and public[…..]

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New CESVA “Sentilo-ready” noise sensor

New CESVA “Sentilo-ready” noise sensor

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Sentilo partner CESVA instruments, a company specialised in acoustics and manufacturer of sound level meters and condenser microphones, has developed the fully Sentilo-compatible TA120 noise sensor. The TA120 brings together in a small sized single piece of equipment, the precision of a Class 1 sound level meter (IEC61672), maximum protection for professional outdoor kits (rain,[…..]

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