N42 case study on Barcelona’s Sentilo platform

N42 case study on Barcelona’s Sentilo platform

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The US company N42 has recently published a white paper which includes a case study performed on Barcelona’s Smart City infrastructure running Sentilo, in the context of the “Barcelona Urban Lab“. The case study is the result of the deployment of N42’s product AxN42 on Barcelona’s Smart City OS. N42, a Silicon Valley startup, develops[…..]

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New Sentilo release 1.5.1 is now multi-tenant

New Sentilo release 1.5.1 is now multi-tenant

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We are proud to announce that Sentilo 1.5.1 has been released and can be now downloaded from github. Most outstanding improvements are: Multi-tenant features, aimed to provide a SAAS Sentilo instance. Multi-tenant features will allow to deploy multi-tenant Sentilo instances to be deployed in order to provide SAAS services for cities with maturity model level[…..]

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City Protocol Society adopts Sentilo for its sensor and actuator architecture

City Protocol Society adopts Sentilo for its sensor and actuator architecture

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We welcome the City Protocol Society as a new partner to the Sentilo Community. Sentilo is the sensor and actuator architecture adopted in the protocol Open Sensor Platform proposed by the City Protocol Society because it aligns with its mission of helping cities to deploy cross-sectorial solutions that can avoid data silos. City Protocol is[…..]

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New monitoring module

New monitoring module

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We’re happy to introduce to the Sentilo community the sensors monitoring module. The new module has the capability of showing a dashboard with real time indicators, charts and alarms. There are already several dashboards designed, such the alarms panel where the alarms are directly geolocated on a map with a direct link to the log[…..]

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We welcome AMB as a new Sentilo partner

We welcome AMB as a new Sentilo partner

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We’re very happy that AMB (Barcelona Metropolitan Area) has joined the Sentilo community as a new partner. The AMB is a public administration with competencies in the areas of social cohesion, territorial and urban planning, mobility, transport, waste management, water supply, environment protection, social housing, infrastructures and economic promotion in the Barcelona metropolitan territory. AMB[…..]

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Barcelona launches Sentilo Junior

Barcelona launches Sentilo Junior

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Barcelona City Hall, through IMI, its IT Institute, has launched “Sentilo Junior”, a new initiative based on Sentilo and aimed at supporting education projects in schools. Sentilo Junior facilitates the use of languages such as Scratch, AppInventor, Snap, Blockly or Python on hardware like Arduino, Raspberry Pi and similar devices, to teach the concept of[…..]

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Training on Sentilo

Training on Sentilo

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Representatives and technicians from the company Amersam and the municipalities of Tortosa, Cambrils, Tarragona, Calafell and Reus attended the Sentilo training session held last September (2015) by our sponsor OpenTrends in Reus. The session was introduced by Carles Puga, leader of Sentilo’s “architecture, development and technical support area” and the topics covered were: Sentilo in[…..]

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Look for Sentilo at the Barcelona Smart City EWC 2015

Look for Sentilo at the Barcelona Smart City EWC 2015

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Once again, Sentilo will be present at the Barcelona Smart City Expo World Congress, to be held from Nov 17th to Nov 19th. Thanks to some of the Sentilo sponsors present in the venue, who will showcase Sentilo at their stands, we will be able to present the results of this last year’s work and the[…..]

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Sentilo at Municipalia 2015

Sentilo at Municipalia 2015

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Our partner Boreal-IT has introduced its integration solution between its GIS application infoGEO and Sentilo at Municipalia 2015. InfoGEO, developed by Boreal-IT, allows all the information picked up by the sensors deployed in a city to be managed horizontally. InfoGEO’s latest version includes a communication gateway to Sentilo. Terrassa Municipality is already using infoGEO integrated[…..]

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Sentilo has now a page in Wikipedia

Sentilo has now a page in Wikipedia

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We’re very happy someone considered Sentilo important enough to create a page in Wikipedia! As you may already know, Wikipedia is built as a collaborative source of information, and any contributor can edit any page in the way he or she considers fit. We, as Sentilo community, are not responsible for the information you can[…..]

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