Exciting projects based on Sentilo in the SCEWC 2016

Exciting projects based on Sentilo in the SCEWC 2016

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Diba (Diputacio de Barcelona) devoted its stand on October 27th at midday to showcase some projects based on Sentilo. Representatives of the cities of Barcelona, Reus and Terrassa shared details of how their cities are using Sentilo to become more efficient. Jordi Cirera, from Barcelona City Hall, explained how Barcelona is monitoring the energy produced[…..]

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Upgrade to Sentilo 1.6.0 is now available

Upgrade to Sentilo 1.6.0 is now available

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We are proud to announce that Sentilo 1.6.0 has been released and can be now downloaded from github. Most outstanding improvements are: New Elasticsearch agent. New Sentilo agent that lets you index events directly into Elasticsearch from Sentilo New openTSDB agent. New Sentilo agent that lets you store your events directly into openTSDB Relational agent[…..]

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Sentilo at the Barcelona Smart City Expo World Congress 2016

Sentilo at the Barcelona Smart City Expo World Congress 2016

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Once again, Sentilo will be present at the Barcelona Smart City Expo World Congress, to be held from Nov 15th to Nov 17th. Thanks to some of the Sentilo sponsors, as Barcelona City Hall, Terrassa City Hall, Diba, Opentrends or Cellnex among others, we will be able to present the results of this last year’s[…..]

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Sentilo is now being offered as a cloud service too: Thingtia, by Opentrends.

Sentilo is now being offered as a cloud service too: Thingtia, by Opentrends.

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We’re very glad to announce that one of our sponsors, Opentrends, has built “Thingtia”, a Sentilo-based IoT multi-purpose system that it is now offering as a Software as a Service product deployed in the cloud. Opentrends is launching Thingtia, its brand new spinoff created for offering this cloud service, at the Barcelona IOT Solutions World[…..]

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Sentilo in the “Code the City” challenge at HackUPC

Sentilo in the “Code the City” challenge at HackUPC

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Project SilentCare, which uses Sentilo as a sensor data management platform, won the “Code the City” challenge at the HackUPC fest held on 7th-9th October this year in Barcelona. HackUPC is an international Hackathon where 273 hackers from over 20 countries gathered for 36 hours to code whatever they can dream of. SilentCare is a[…..]

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We welcome Kobe as a new Sentilo supporter

We welcome Kobe as a new Sentilo supporter

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We’re very happy that Kobe Municipality, in Japan, has joined the Sentilo community as a new supporter. Kobe is the sixth-largest city in Japan and is the capital city of Hyōgo Prefecture. With a population around 1.5 million, the city is part of the Keihanshin metropolitan area along with Osaka and Kyoto. Kobe representatives state,[…..]

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Sentilo awarded as the most innovative platform in OpenExpo 2016

Sentilo awarded as the most innovative platform in OpenExpo 2016

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Sentilo has been awarded as the most innovative platform in the OpenAwards 2016, during the OpenExpo congress held in Madrid latest 2th June. OpenExpo is an annual congress about FLOSS and Open World Economy (Open Data and Open Innovation) and has become the most relevant meeting for professionals of open source in Spain. More than[…..]

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Sentilo makes Barcelona the world’s smartest city?

Sentilo makes Barcelona the world’s smartest city?

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Sentilo is considered one of the main reasons to put Barcelona among the top smartest cities in the World. Recent publications and research firms, such as Engineering and Technology Magazine, Internet of Things Institute or Juniper Research cited Sentilo as one of the Barcelona’s strengths to allow Barcelona to progress in areas like smart lighting,[…..]

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Smart irrigation system in Sentilo Terrassa

Smart irrigation system in Sentilo Terrassa

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A new smart irrigation management system has been introduced at Terrassa’s Parc de Sant Jordi (St. George’s Park). The system takes into account the weather context and water consumption and allows to manage irrigation scheduling needed by different sectors of green areas. The irrigation controllers supplied by our partner Samcla are connected to the Sentilo[…..]

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Sentilo for Kids in Terrassa Smart City

Sentilo for Kids in Terrassa Smart City

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The City of Terrassa has organized a new school activity called “Sentilo for Kids”. The aim is to engage high school students with the goals of the Terrassa Smart City initiative through the Sentilo platform. In its first stage students will build a city model with diverse sensors that will send their data to the[…..]

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