Sentilo in the Shenzhen Smart City Forum 2019

Sentilo in the Shenzhen Smart City Forum 2019

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Our project leader Jordi Cirera talked about how the instance of Sentilo deployed in Barcelona helps to deal with traffic jams in his speech “Big Data Analytics Deals With Traffic Jams in Barcelona”, in the Shenzhen Smart City Forum. The 2019 Shenzhen Smart City Forum With International Friendship Cities was held from May 14 to[…..]

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Epidata introduces a new Sentilo connector for Mulesoft

Epidata introduces a new Sentilo connector for Mulesoft

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Our partner Epidata has developed a new Sentilo connector for Mulesoft, the leading platform for API-led connectivity. That connector allows the API Management Platform Mulesoft to directly send messages to sensors and actuators connected to Sentilo. The connector was introduced in the MuleSoft Connect 2018 last may in San Jose, California. In a demo Epidata[…..]

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Future steps in Sentilo development

Future steps in Sentilo development

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Sentilo Community has expressed during latest months some of its interest and proposals for improvements of the platform. The most popular suggestions are: Working in a data ontology for sensor data, in order to facilitate data sharing among Sentilo Cities. Developing a “Sentilo federation” functionality, in order to connect different Sentilo instances for data and[…..]

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New integration package for node-RED

New integration package for node-RED

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Our community has just released a new package that integrates the node-RED flow-based programming tool with Sentilo. The new “node-network-contrib-sentilo” package is a collection of nodes for Node-RED that enables you to connect your programs to a Sentilo or Thingtia platform server in order to interact with your data in a very simple way. So[…..]

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Our sponsor Diba wins Cisco Award to Digital Transformation

Our sponsor Diba wins Cisco Award to Digital Transformation

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Our sponsor Diba (Barcelona Provincial Council) has been awarded the “Cisco Award to Digital Transformation 2018”. The jury has highlighted the work made by Diba in order to build a Smart Region and provide advanced cloud services to the 311 municipalities inside its demarcation. Sentilo has been highlighted as a platform that improves the efficiency[…..]

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Sentilo and gvSIG: Agreement to collaborate

Sentilo and gvSIG: Agreement to collaborate

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We are pleased to announce that Sentilo and gvSIG communities have reached an agreement to collaborate closely in order to make it easier for users, partners and developers of both communities to deploy an integrated sensor platform and a geographic information system, both based on open source. gvSIG is an open source geographic information system[…..]

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Announcing Sentilo 1.7.0

Announcing Sentilo 1.7.0

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We are proud to announce that Sentilo 1.7.0 has been released and can be now downloaded from github. Main improvements include: New features in data graphs: improvement in the visualization of graphs, scaling results and allowing to advance or go back in time. New parameters to customize the display of dates and graphs Export to[…..]

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Urbiotica “Sentilo-ready” noise sensor successfully tested

Urbiotica “Sentilo-ready” noise sensor successfully tested

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The Department for Noise Pollution Reduction of Barcelona City Hall has recently successfully tested the Urbiotica U-Sound noise sensor over the requirements for noise sensors to be installed in the city. The Urbiotica U-Sound is an autonomous and wireless acoustic sensor designed to measure noise in the city. It makes continuous measurements and every minute,[…..]

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Sentilo receives award from the European Commission at the Sharing & Reuse Conference 2017

Sentilo receives award from the European Commission at the Sharing & Reuse Conference 2017

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Last week, the European Commission announced that Sentilo won a Sharing and Reuse Award at the Sharing & Reuse Conference 2017 which was held in Lisbon, Portugal. The contest was launched in July 2016 and 118 applications were submitted. The Evaluation Committee shortlisted the best 17 solutions divided across 4 categories: cross-border, national, regional, and[…..]

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Sentilo on the highway

Sentilo on the highway

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Sentilo partner Mayflower Smart Control, jointly with the University of Birmingham and Amey from the Hampshire County Council, have launched a project that uses sensors and Sentilo to help highways teams make better gritting decisions. The goal is sensing localised road surface temperatures and weather, measured specifically on gritting routes, instead of basing maintenance decisions[…..]

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