URBAN LAB Sant Feliu tests traffic monitoring solution on Sentilo

URBAN LAB Sant Feliu tests traffic monitoring solution on Sentilo

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Sentilo partner the City of Sant Feliu de Llobregat, suburb of Barcelona, has selected Urbiotica -Sentilo partner too- as a provider for the traffic monitoring system of its macro Smart City project called “Urban Lab Sant Feliu”. The Urban Lab Sant Feliu project aims to ease the validation and prototyping of new urban services, either[…..]

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Acquisition and management of data with Sentilo and Arduino

Acquisition and management of data with Sentilo and Arduino

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Are you wondering if sensors based on Arduino could be easily integrated with Sentilo? The short and ultimate answer is yes, with the Sentilo Arduino Client. If you want to experiment with that kind of architecture you could start with that tutorial. On it you can find some examples of how to use the Arduino[…..]

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Data from Sentilo shows the lockdown was a silent builder in Barcelona

Data from Sentilo shows the lockdown was a silent builder in Barcelona

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Inhabitants of Barcelona, as those of other many regions in Europe and the world, suffered a forced lockdown who reduced drastically the economic activity lastest april and may. The noise sensors Barcelona City Hall had connected to Sentilo offered their logged data publicly and researchers could check what was the noise reduction caused by the[…..]

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Smart City Institute Japan brings Sentilo to Tokio

Smart City Institute Japan brings Sentilo to Tokio

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Smart City Institute Japan (SCI-J) has organized, jointly with financial newspaper Nikkei, the “Japan-Barcelona Smart City Forum” in Tokyo. In his keynote “Sustainable Cities / New Vision of Barcelona”, on January 20th, Jordi Cirera explained Barcelona’s vision about technology and Smart Cities and how Sentilo – and open source technologies in general – have become[…..]

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Sentilo in TV prime time news

Sentilo in TV prime time news

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Sentilo has been in prime time TV news during the Gloria storm on Catalan public channel TV3. TV3 has been showing to its audience the Sentilo instance of our partner Agència Catalana de l’Aigua (ACA) to show in real time how the capacity of the Ter river reservoirs has been overflown because of the strong[…..]

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Sentilo User Day 2019

Sentilo User Day 2019

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On Wednesday 20 November, starting at 11am, in Barcelona and within the framework of the Smart City Expo World Congress 2019, the Sentilo Community and its supporters will meet in the new edition of Sentilo User Day. At the Sentilo User Day event, current users will share their experiences, achievements, and discuss the limitations of[…..]

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“Connecta Valencia” helps 100 municipalities to deploy smart city projects

“Connecta Valencia” helps 100 municipalities to deploy smart city projects

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About 100 municipalities from Valencia region applied for help to “Connecta València” platform to deploy their smart city projects. The ‘Connecta València’ platform, from the Valencia Provincial Council, uses Sentilo to provide a shared multitenant sensor platform to small municipalities in the region. Sentilo has been the choice for Valencia Provincial Council because it avoids[…..]

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Our partner CESVA has showed Sentilo at Internoise 2019

Our partner CESVA has showed Sentilo at Internoise 2019

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Our partner CESVA has showed its solutions for smart noise management at the latest edition of Internoise held in Madrid on June 2019. Internoise is the most important congress on acoustics worldwide. Attendants were very interested in the CESVA TA120 noise sensor and in the intuitive noise monitoring platform CESVA NoisePatform. CESVA TA120 is 100%[…..]

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Announcing new Sentilo release 1.8.0

Announcing new Sentilo release 1.8.0

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We are proud to announce that Sentilo 1.8.0 has been released and can be now downloaded from github. Main improvements include: Confederation of Sentilo instances, allowing the sharing of data among them Version upgrade of Mongo, Redis, Tomcat, … Security improvements after an external audit New types of data (JSON, audio, text, …) We can now configure the[…..]

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Sentilo in the Shenzhen Smart City Forum 2019

Sentilo in the Shenzhen Smart City Forum 2019

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Our project leader Jordi Cirera talked about how the instance of Sentilo deployed in Barcelona helps to deal with traffic jams in his speech “Big Data Analytics Deals With Traffic Jams in Barcelona”, in the Shenzhen Smart City Forum. The 2019 Shenzhen Smart City Forum With International Friendship Cities was held from May 14 to[…..]

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